Contact me:
Mobile France: + 33 6 31 17 78 95
Mobile USA: + 1 832 946 3635

Claude Yacoub graduated from École Spéciale d’Architecture with a degree in Architecture (1989) and a degree of Advanced Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (2008).  He also earned a Ph. D. in Information and Communication Science from University Paris 8 (2011). 

Yacoub served as a professional architect, urban planner, designer and artist for more than twenty years in both public and private sectors in France. 

For the past decade, he has dedicated himself as a full-time professor and researcher in architecture, civil engineering, urban planning, design, Hypermedia and fine arts in Paris, Fort-de-France, Damascus and Montreal.

He is currently an associate member of the Paragraphe Laboratory, University Paris 8.

Yacoub has authored numerous publications for conferences which include 01Design, HyperUrbain and Cide. He also co-authored several publications and coordinated seminars. He has been an active member of various scientific committees.

Yacoub is extremely involved in humanitarian work and has devoted several years full time to the issues of intangible and material reconstruction of post-conflict and post-natural disaster countries. This was done through the creation and spearheading of the NGO Ila Souria and its popular University. With the support of European Union, he planned and directed the training of architects and engineers in Syria, Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon. He has also led educational and creative workshops in refugee camps in these countries and also Haiti. 

In February 2020, Yacoub relocated to Houston, Texas. He teaches online architecture and design courses to     undergraduate and graduate students in Europe.

Yacoub collaborates with Ni Studio on international projects and competitions in architecture, interior design and public art.

In July 2021 he co-founded Namma & Containers, LLC – Architectural Designers & Builders.  Namma & Containers offers shorter construction time, affordable, durable, transferable and alternative solutions for various architectural and design projects of superior qualities: aesthetical, technical and environmental. 

Yacoub’s company is currently working on public housing, student housing, single family homes, commercial buildings and art installations in USA and France.


Download CV in English (5 pages, PDF –  90 Ko)
Télécharger CV en français (6 pages, PDF – 118 Ko)

Download Portfolio in English (44 pages, PDF – 5,7 Mo)

Télécharger Portfolio en français – Version longue (44 pages, PDF – 5,4 Mo)

Télécharger Portfolio en français – Version courte (24 pages, PDF – 2,6 Mo)


Mes photographies de classes, de la 11ème au Séminaire Collège en Martinique (1967) à ma terminale Bac F4 à l’École des Sciences et techniques du Bâtiment (1982)

“À cœur ouvert“, une émission de Barbara Jean-Elie, Zitata TV
Enregistrement le 13 juin 2023 (15 min. 52)


“Le nomade“
Entretien donné à Dominique Brebion pour la revue Aica Caraïbes du Sud : cliquer ici
23 février 2023

Archives articles de presse
Voir et télécharger ces documents, 1992 à 2002 (PDF – 5 Mo)



Claude Yacoub, le bâtisseur d’utopies 

Article de Claire Poinsignon dans, le quotidien des livres et des idées, 28/03/2016
Dans la série “Polyphonies syriennes – Les intellectuels“
Télécharger l’article (PDF – 2,6 Mo)




2011Doctorat en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication (SIC) / Université Paris 8 = La main de l’apprenti-concepteur dans la pédagogie du projet d’architecture face aux outils numériques

2008Diplôme d’Études Spécialisées / Ville en projet durable & Architecture des milieux (DES-ESA) – 3ème cycle / École Spéciale d’Architecture = Damas 2062 – Éphémère : scénario des possibles

1989Architecte / Diplôme de l’École Spéciale d’Architecture (DESA) = Créolité et modernité à la Martinique

Voir diplômes : Doctorat, Diplôme d’Études Spécialisées, Architecte DESA, Relevé d’Unités de Valeur (UV) des 5 années à l’ESA, Équivalence BTCA en Baccalauréat, Brevet de Technicien en Collaborateur d’Architecte (BTCA), Brevet d’Etudes du Premier Cycle (BEPC)

See the English translation of these diplomas and their evaluation in USA

Voir les traductions en arabe de tous ces diplômes et de leurs documents annexes



Galerie d’images de 20 caricatures de Cy






Merci, merci, merci …